Friday, February 23, 2007

Almost Africa

That's right. I didn't make it to Africa. After many trials, and hours upon hours at the United Airlines ticket counter, I made it to Paris. I won't tell the whole story here. Many friends have suggested I write a book to tell my story. The short version of the story is that United made some major mistakes, and they booked me out of a different airport than I arrived at in Paris. Having only 1 1/2 hrs to collect my checked bag, make it through security and passport screening, make the 1 hr trek across Paris, and go through the entire security/passport procedure in reverse, I wasn't even close to making my flight. Ouagadougou seems to be quite the popular place in February, since all seats on all airlines were booked until Feb. 22. So, it was either sleep in the Charles De Gaulle airport for a week, or return home. So I'm back home, and praising the Lord. I'm not sure exactly why He didn't want me to be in Africa, but I trust Him and know that His ways are Higher than mine.